A collection of 1,024 eco-friendly NFTs, and the first of a series of art projects by DouDou.

The Gators

Image of an alligator Later Gator #58 Price: 1 XCH
Image of an alligator Later Gator #7 Price: 1 XCH
Image of an alligator Later Gator #16 Price: 1 XCH
Image of an alligator Later Gator #51 Price: 1 XCH
Image of an alligator Later Gator #46 Price: 1 XCH
Image of an alligator Later Gator #25 Price: 1 XCH
View All


Later Gators are inspired by other algorithmically generated NFT art projects like Chia Friends.
From the artist:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."


Check out the collection and other sellers on Dexie.


Doudou NFTs are powered by the Chia Network, an open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer blockchain network that utilizes a novel proof-of-space-and-time consensus algorithm. This technology is significantly more energy efficient than traditional proof-of-work blockchain networks by several orders of magnitude. It also offers more decentralization and security compared to proof-of-stake blockchain networks. For more information on energy usage see: Chiapower, and on security: Chia's Green Paper

Coming soon...

We look forward to continuing to build the collections in the near future!
(Sneak Peak here)